Deprecation Notice

Api V3 is being deprecated on July 1st, 2023. Please consider updating to V5

V5 Api Documentation

Getting Started

This will walk you through the steps to get started with using our API.

1. Create a Tiltify account.

You need a Tiltify account to access our API. Creating one is free, and only takes a few moments. Once you create an account you must confirm your email as well as upgrade to a fundraiser account. This can be done by clicking on the banner in the user dashboard or clicking on become a fundraiser in the 9 button nav.

Sign Up

2. Create an OAuth Application.

To create an Oauth application, start by going to your dashboard, clicking on the grid menu icon, clicking "My account", going to the "Connected accounts" tab, and then clicking "Your applications" on the side. If you don't plan on using OAuth2, just use as the redirect URI.

3. Begin Making Requests.

We provide Application Access Tokens for ease of use. Just start by making requests, and adding your access_token to the Authorization header.

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

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