Deprecation Notice

Api V3 is being deprecated on July 1st, 2023. Please consider updating to V5

V5 Api Documentation


The Tiltify API uses HTTP status codes to indicate if a problem has occured with a request. All responses will contain the HTTP status code, as well as at least one method of describing the error that occured.

The singular error key appears when one thing went wrong with a request. This will usually appear with authorization errors or not found errors. All of these error objects have a title and detail keys.

The plural errors key appears when submitting a model, with mappings to the validation errors with each field. You will not see this unless submitting a POST or PATCH request to the API.

  // This is the HTTP status code that is also sent with the request
  "meta": {
    "status": 403,

  // An object describing the error that occurred.
  "error": {
    "title": "Not Authorized",
    "detail": "Sorry, you are not authorized to view this resource."

  // An object pointing to fields that are incorrect in a submitted model
  "errors": {
    "campaign": {
      "name": "name cannot be blank"

Types of Errors

400 - Bad Request

This error describes when the request could not be fulfilled. This often happens because of a missing request parameter.

401 - Not Authorized

This error describes when the user needs to be authorized before accessing this resource.

403 - Forbidden

This error describes when the user accessing a resource does not have permission to do so.

404 - Not Found

This error describes when a given resource cannot be found. The ID or slug given is most likely incorrect or has changed. For this reason, we recommend using the ID if you have access to it.

422 - Unprocessable Entity

This error describes when submitted params are invalid.

500+ - Internal Server Error

This error describes when a something bad happened on our end. You should rarely see these. We'll do our best to fix them, but feel free to bug our CM.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""