Deprecation Notice

Api V3 is being deprecated on July 1st, 2023. Please consider updating to V5

V5 Api Documentation

GET /users/:id/campaigns

Retrieves a list of a users campaigns.

  "meta": {
    "status": 200
  "data": [
      "name": "My Awesome Campaign",
      "slug": "my-awesome-campaign",
      "url": "",
      "description": "My awesome weekend campaign.\n Save the kids.",
      "thumbnail": {
        "src": "",
        "alt": "synthesize distributed solutions",
        "width": 200,
        "height": 200
      "causeId": 17,
      "userId": 35,
      "teamId": null,
      "fundraisingEventId": 39,
      "currency": "USD",
      "goal": 10000,
      "supportingCampaignId": 81,
      "originalGoal": 5000,
      "amountRaised": 8923,
      "totalAmountRaised": 12325,
      "startsOn": "2017-03-24",
      "endsOn": "2017-03-26"
    // ...
  "links": {
    "prev": "",
    "next": "",
    "self": "",
    "first": "",
    "last": "",


GET /users/35/campaigns

Retrieves a list of a users campaigns with a user ID of 35.


results matching ""

    No results matching ""