Deprecation Notice

Api V3 is being deprecated on July 1st, 2023. Please consider updating to V5

V5 Api Documentation


Our Api uses OAuth2 to authenticate to endpoints.

Access is delegated to access tokens upon authentication, and the access_token as of the v3 API will not have an expiry time.

This may change in a future api version.


OAuth2 Authorize URL

OAuth2 Token URL

Getting A User Access Token

The method to get a user access token generally follows OAuth2. The following is a specific example of how to retrieve A User Access token using OAuth2

Getting the code

This example will be using the following values as needed. Application ID: 1234 Redirect Secret Key: asdf

To begin with, send a user in a browser to the Tiltify OAuth Authorization url. Include your Client ID, and the response type of code as query parameters. You may include your redirect URI if you have more than one, as well as a state parameter. A space separated list of scopes may also be added, however, if not included, the public scope will be automatically selected.

After signing in and authorizing, the user will be redirected back to your chosen redirect URI with a query parameter of code, containing the code used to fetch the access token, as well as a state parameter should one have been included when the user was sent to the authorization URL.

The code should be passed to your server backend as the following steps require your secret key, which should not be exposed to the public.

Converting The Code To A User Access Token

To retrieve the User Access Token, a post request must be made to the Token URL. In the body of the url are the following fields in Form Data format. Note specifically that code is the code retrieved from the first step.


An Authorization header must also be included following the Basic Auth standard, having a value of Basic <base64-encoded(Application ID:Secret Key)>. In this example case, this is Basic MTIzNDphc2Rm

Tiltify will return a json object like the following

   "access_token": "<the user access token>",
   "token_type": "Bearer",
   "scope": "public",
   "created_at": 12345667890

This access token may now be used as shown below to make requests. When used with the /user endpoint, the full Users object is returned.

Using Access Tokens

Simply add the Authorization header to your HTTP request.

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


Authorization: Bearer 10b56ef89e09702d4dda5860d9e5c37db0af44bcb7cb49d869be94438ad58294

Application Access Tokens

For ease of use, we have provided an Application Access Token. This grants you access to the API without having to have users OAuth into your application.

Cause Endpoints

Some cause endpoints require additional authorization to use but will return forbidden if the access level is not granted by the used token.

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